Alas!...I have my own blog.. It takes almost years for me to create blog. With my capability in computer (where less knowledge in IT..own mistakes! Hahaha) I finally post one! A great achievement for me.
Always think about what is blog for?Why shud a create a blog..Day by day...I read and keep reading via all the blogs that I can get(eventually not all since i am not that diligent..hehehe) and realize that we can do wonders in the blog..Oh yes!Some using blog to express selves feeling..sharing knowledges..
Me myself still thinking what will my blog lookslike..hahahaha...Do I also received comments..
Think it's enuff for my first post!
Will write again...cheer!
Adeeb & UPKK diawal tahun baru 2025.
As usual,aku semedang lewat kan
Hari ni dah 9hb January
Aku baru terhegeh2 buat blog
Aku busy tau-awal2 tahun ni selain menyiapkan report closing year end.
1 month ago
It's very norm to have that kind of feeling when first time posting..but u'r doing fine!