meh click sini...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Boleh ek???!!!

Harini mama google internet konon2 nk carik pola buat pyjamas utk 3Fs..entah macam maner dapat idea nk carik dalam bahsa mama pun taiplah kat search engine tu ..."Bagaimana cara nak...." keluarlah list of Bagaimana cara untuk buat facebook,untuk buat and so on.

Tiba2....mata ini terpaku..CARA NAK TINGGI? aisyyhhh Boleh ek ? hehehehe.... Sesaper nk tgk website tu  klik sini >__< 

Pelik kan..

Apa yang penting kerjasama!

Semalam anak-anak mama telah membantu meringankan kerja rumah..Sangat terharu..Paham sajerlah kalau semuanya anak lelaki( atau lebih tepat kalau punya anak ramai kot....) Rumah memang susahlah nak berada dalam keadaan kemas sentiasa. Permainan dan buku memang sah-sah bersepah-sepah...So nak dijadikan cerita, weekend lepas mama beli 2 rak buku yang saaangat comeyy di mater mama ini..Tujuannya utk menyusunlah buku-buku teruna mama nie. 

Tapi sampailah semalam baru mula memasangnya, itu pun lepas Fariz puas memujuk cik asben.

Kesemua 4Fs termasuk cik asben bertungkus lumuslah memasang rak tu..satu jer pun yang pasangnya..3 tingkat jer...cukuplah..hehehe....So meh tgk apa yang dorang dah lakukan semalam..Apa Yang Penting KerjaSama! (Photos speak louder than words..I believe)

Inilah keadaan buku-buku yang bersepah itew...Walau sekerap mana pun dikemas..akan bersepah balik!
Fariz ditugaskan untuk drilling screw... 

Lagak pakar gayanya.. ^__^ 

Farihin ditugaskan utk susun partition

Concentrate sungguh...

The 2Fs focus... huhuhu

Aikk Farhan enterprem....Mula2 perhati dulu...

Lepas tu....Ermmm maner screw nie??

Alat pertukangan kami..cik asben hadiahkan utk Fariz..

Eh nie tangan saper?? Satu besar satu kecik >__<

Farhan buat inspection.....Lulus ke?
Alhamdulillah...Rak buku tu dah pun kami gunakan...terima kasih atas bantuan anak2 mama dan cik asben..

Mama Luvs U guys!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mama join gIvEaWay.... ^__^


Simple GA...Jom join..Mintak2 menang ek!!! ^__^

Mama sangat suka..

Points on How to Improve Your Life...

I dedicate this to all my friends especially to Ecah!!! you know who you are... ^__^

  • Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
  • Don't have the negative thoughts of things you cannot control.
Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment

  • Don't over do; keep your limits
  • Don't take yourself so seriously; no one else does
  • Don't waste your precious energy on gossip
  • Dream more while you are awake
  • Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need
  • Forget issue of the past. Don't remind your partner of his/her mistakes of the past
That will ruin your present happiness

  • Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others
  • Make peace  with your past it won't spoil the present
  • No one is in charge of your happiness  except you
  • Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn
Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime

  • Smile and laugh more
  • You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree


  • Call your family often
  • Each day give something good to others
  • Forgive everyone for everything
  • Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under age of 6
  • Try to make at least 3 people smile each day
  • What other people think of you is none of your business
  • Your job will not take care of you when you are sick. Your family and friends will. Stay in touch!
  • Put Allah first in anything and everything that you think, say and do.
  • Allah heals everything
  • Do the right things
  • However good or bad the situation is, it will change
  • No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up
  • The best is yet to come
  • Get rid of anything thet isn't useful, beautiful or joyful
  • When you awake alive in the morning, thank Allah for it
  • If you know Allah, you will al ways be happy..So be happy

2Fs Preschool Action Part II

Sabtu lepas, mama bwk the 2Fs to see their school and the classes.. Errmmm kat maner depa nak sekolah nie?? InsyaAllah , kalau tak der aral akan mulalah era persekolahan mereka di sini...

Kenapa mama pilih sekolah nie? Actually at the first place, I'm chosing this Islamic school is because of the environment. As a career woman who has less time with family..izit? (Teruk sangat rasanya mama nie) Mama tahu mama perlu mengajar mengaji Quran, Solat, membaca and menulis...I'd say that I dont have the 'time'..the precious time with family. I do not know with you guys, actually there's a different between time and time quality...precious time...Sometimes we're always with he kids..tapi betul2 berkualiti ke masa kita tu? Bukan ker masa tu kita sibuk memasak..membasuh , menonton tv. i just realize.. menonton tv tu sebenarnya bukanlah di'group'kan sebagai masa berkualiti.(Ini dah masuk bab lain dah ni) Actually masa berkualiti ialah masa bila kita peruntukkan hanya untuk anak..tanpa gangguan..just u n me..reading together..singing together...camtulah.. ^__^

So ok...back to cerita sekolah depa ni...Malam tu, the 2Fs tidor awaii..especially Fariz. Bangun pagi pun cepat..mandi pun tak yah nak disuruh..Depa pilih baju sendiri..Nak pakai baju kemeja lah pulak!!!mama tukang gosok jer.Si kecik, Farhan pun cam tau jer. Dia pun turut excited. Riuh ngan mulut dia..Amang...amang..(Panggil abang2 dorang..hehhe) Off we went to Genius Aulad School.

So sampai sekolah, mama and the 2Fs together with Farhan met the teachers. Class 4 tahun on the 1st floor, utk class 5&6 years on the 2nd floor. Seronoknya dorang..senyum meleret..

Ramai parents gak masa we ol nak que for payment. Thought we ol dah awai.. @__@..roper2nya ada yang lagi awai.. Sempatlah fitting uniform(warna biru kuning) utk dorang..ala2 tomeiiinyaaa..tak sabarnya nk tengok dorang sekolah...

The 2Fs dah nak masuk alam persekolahan..sedey pun ada....happy pun ada...bercampur2..

Korang ada rasa camnie ke dulu?

Monday, December 27, 2010

2Fs .. Pre-school action..



"Abang..Mulai harini, Fariz dengan Farihin kener belajar tidur awal and bangun awal tau....," Mama memulakan perbualan (bahasa-bahasa nak tidurkan mereka2 nie lah..)
"Errrr....kenaper?" Seperti biasa Fariz akan bertanya pada mama dengan matanya yang kekiri kekanan memikiorkan apsal lah pulak nak kener tidur awal...iskiskisk..mama nak bagi surprise lagi??

"Tahun depan kan abang nak school..So we're going to start training from now..Lagipun hari Sabtu kiter nak pergi school..nak jumpa teacher..nak tengok2 class..," mama pun perjelaskan lah lagi..cewahhhh(ayat schematic tu..^__^)

Bercahaya mata Fariz! Farihin? Relax jer..Memang anak mama yang sorang lagi nie mamat selamba.. "Ala..Farihin sekolah kat rumah tok jerlah mama..Tok ajar Farihin nanti.." Itulah jawapan budak sorang nie.. (@__@)

***so utk pendekkan cerita, anak2 mama pun tidur****

Pukul 3pagi....

"Fariz...kenapa tak tidur nie?", mama terjaga dari tidur dan terperasan lah pulak yang anak sulung mama nie tidaklah tidur...Farihin? Krohkrohkroh..tidur tak hingat!

Rupa-rupanya Fariz dah bersedia nak pergi sekolah!!!!eheheheh..awainya bangun sayang..

"Tidurlah dulu ya. Pagi nanti mama bangunkan Fariz."

Pukul 7pagi..
Sepantas kilat dia bangun...Tak payah nk paksa-paksa...Semua automatic dengan sendirinya...Nampak gaya memanglah teruna seorang nie dah tak sabar2 nak bersekolah
InsyaAllah sampai bila2 pun dia akan bersemangat macam tu..Ok2 berbalik pasal anak mama nie..Bila dah bersiap .. Mama pun bagitaulah..harini baru hari khamis tau..Esok hari Jumaat, hari Sabtu baru kita ke sekolah ek.. Sabarlah sayang....

Friday, December 24, 2010

What if I Want to Wean My Baby?

Just wanted to share some article which i read and copy/paste
What if I Want to Wean My Baby?
  Posted on Fri 16 Jul 2004 (2586 reads)     
Breastfeeding your baby for even a day is the best baby gift you can give. Breastfeeding is almost always the best choice for your baby. If it doesn't seem like the best choice for you right now, these guidelines may help.
IF YOU NURSE YOUR BABY FOR JUST A FEW DAYS, he will have received your colostrum, or early milk. By providing antibodies and the food his brand-new body expects, nursing gives your baby his first - and easiest - "immunization" and helps get his digestive system going smoothly. Breastfeeding is how your baby expects to start, and helps your own body recover from the birth. Why not use your time in the hospital to prepare your baby for life through the gift of nursing?

IF YOU NURSE YOUR BABY FOR FOUR TO SIX WEEKS, you will have eased him through the most critical part of his infancy. Newborns who are not breastfed are much more likely to get sick or be hospitalized, and have many more digestive problems than breastfed babies. After 4 to 6 weeks, you'll probably have worked through any early nursing concerns, too. Make a serious goal of nursing for a month, call La Leche League or a Lactation Consultant if you have any questions, and you'll be in a better position to decide whether continued breastfeeding is for you.

IF YOU NURSE YOUR BABY FOR 3 OR 4 MONTHS, her digestive system will have matured a great deal, and she will be much better able to tolerate the foreign substances in commercial formulas. If there is a family history of allergies, though, you will greatly reduce her risk by waiting a few more months before adding anything at all to her diet of breastmilk. And giving nothing but your milk for the first four months gives strong protection against ear infections for a whole year.

IF YOU NURSE YOUR BABY FOR 6 MONTHS, she will be much less likely to suffer an allergic reaction to formula or other foods. At this point, her body is probably ready to tackle some other foods, whether or not you wean. Nursing for at least 6 months helps ensure better health throughout your baby's first year of life, and reduces your own risk of breast cancer. Nursing for 6 months or more may greatly reduce your little one's risk of ear infections and childhood cancers. And exclusive, frequent breastfeeding during the first 6 months, if your periods have not returned, provides 98% effective contraception.

you will have seen him through the fastest and most important brain and body development of his life on the food that was designed for him - your milk. You may even notice that he is more alert and more active than babies who did not have the benefit of their mother's milk. Weaning may be fairly easy at this age... but then, so is nursing! If you want to avoid weaning this early, be sure you've been available to nurse for comfort as well as just for food.

IF YOU NURSE YOUR BABY FOR A YEAR, you can avoid the expense and bother of formula. Her one-year-old body can probably handle most of the table foods your family enjoys. Many of the health benefits this year of nursing has given your child will last her whole life. She will have a stronger immune system, for instance, and will be much less likely to need orthodontia or speech therapy. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends nursing for at least a year, to help ensure normal nutrition and health for your baby.

IF YOU NURSE YOUR BABY FOR 18 MONTHS, you will have continued to provide your baby's normal nutrition and protection against illness at a time when illness is common in other babies. Your baby is probably well started on table foods, too. He has had time to form a solid bond with you - a healthy starting point for his growing independence. And he is old enough that you and he can work together on the weaning process, at a pace that he can handle. A former U.S. Surgeon General said, "it is the lucky baby... that nurses to age two."

IF YOUR CHILD WEANS WHEN SHE IS READY, you can feel confident that you have met your baby's physical and emotional needs in a very normal, healthy way. In cultures where there is no pressure to wean, children tend to nurse for at least two years. The World Health Organization and UNICEF strongly encourage breastfeeding through toddlerhood: "Breastmilk is an important source of energy and protein, and helps to protect against disease during the child's second year of life."* Our biology seems geared to a weaning age of between 2 1/2 and 7 years**, and it just makes sense to build our children's bones from the milk that was designed to build them. Your milk provides antibodies and other protective substances as long as you continue nursing, and families of nursing toddlers often find that their medical bills are lower than their neighbors' for years to come. Mothers who have nursed longterm have a still lower risk of developing breast cancer. Children who were nursed longterm tend to be very secure, and are less likely to suck their thumbs or carry a blanket. Nursing can help ease both of you through the tears, tantrums, and tumbles that come with early childhood, and helps ensure that any illnesses are milder and easier to deal with. It's an all-purpose mothering tool you won't want to be without! Don't worry that your child will nurse forever. All children stop eventually, no matter what you do, and there are more nursing toddlers around than you might guess.

WHETHER YOU NURSE FOR A DAY OR FOR SEVERAL YEARS, the decision to nurse your child is one you need never regret. And whenever weaning takes place, remember that it is a big step for both of you. If you choose to wean before your child is ready, be sure to do it gradually, and with love. 

Tau..tau...Abang memang hensem!

 Sudah menjadi satu rutin bagi kami sekeluarga berbual-bual dan menjawab pelbagai aneka soalan dari 2F's yang sememangnya tak pernahlah senyap...Kenapa itu..kenapa ini...Kenapa matahari tu tak terbenam2 lagi...bila matahari dah terbenam ...kenapa masih ada cahaya lagi...kan patutnya dah gelap....bulan pulak keluar...kan kereta dah pasang lampu...tapi tak gelap lagi...bla bla bla bla bla.....

Tiba-tiba mama terlintas untuk mengusik anak kami yang sulung..Fariz...
"Abang....Abang....", sambil saya menoleh pada abang yang ketika itu sedang bergelut dengan Farihin. (Nasib baik kereta kami tu masih bertahan lagi .. Kalau tak dah barai dah kat tengah2 jalan dek kerana aksi-aksi ganas dalam kereta.. hehehehe)
"Iyer!!! ada apa...", jawab anak mama nie...
"Abang nie hensemlah.."...
"Ala...tau tau..abang memang hensem.....", jawab anak mama nie dengan selamba.

^__^ ceh..menyesal mama puji.hehehe kelakar lah pulak...Sebab Fariz nie orangnya agak serius berbanding dengan Farihin. So bila dia jawab dengan muka selamba dan confindent gilers tu...Cam funny lak...

Pagi nie..mama pun 'dig out my archive'...and found out some pictures of him.. So you think his hensem?

Umur Fariz setahun 5 bulan

  Gambar diambil masa Fariz umur setahun lebih. Honestly, I couldn't remember how old he was .. hehehe.. tapi masa nie dia cukup suka naik walker Farihin (dengki!!!) .. Eventually Fariz and Farihin are only 1 year gap (ngam ngam...) so you can imagine how he still hungered for more attention from us. The best part...I wasn't there for him that time. I was away to Cirata for 5 months and left him alone. sob sob sob..Honestly I still regret it! Trust me!

Umur Fariz 2 tahun 3 bulan
 Fariz dengan harimau! Yerp harimau nie hidup babe! I would said that Fariz nie memang berani..Ada satu part tu...dia masuk dalam kandang harimau.(we captured the scene..hehehe...ngeri... bila pikir balik)

Umur Fariz 3 tahun
 Fariz who loves to explore..hehehe..masa nie nak terjun kolam..Apakah??

Umur Fariz 3 tahun lebih (dah tak ingat dah time ni)

 Ermm bakal Engineer...Sebolehnya mama mahu dia pilih kerjaya lain..tapi kalau itu yang dia minat...Mama tak akan halang..

Fariz umur 4 tahun

Masa nie..kami berhenti rehat di R&R Ayer Keroh..Fire Enginer nie kebetulan berhenti di belakang kereta kami..Excited sungguh dia...So cik asben captured some photos of the brothers... tapi biasalah..Fariz dengan muka serius... ^__^...

So again...... " ABANG TAU..ABANG HENSEM..."  Rasa-rasanya hensem ke anak mama nie???


Thursday, December 23, 2010

I'm stress..?

Setelah hampir sebulan lebih, gue merantau ke sana ke mari..cewahhh...sekejap menjadi org 'Batu'..sekejap menjadi org 'Pulau'..letih sesangat..mungkin pada org lain tidak..tapi pada mama..gue mmg sangat2 capek...kulit bertambah hitam...since harini mama tak banyak mama nk meluang kan masa menulis .. Thanks to Hasnin...collegue yang satu nie..mmg rajin membaca blog org..hehehhe bagus dia lah yg selalau tanya kenapa blog you tak update..kenaper blog you ditutup...I tak boleh baca...hehehe..Sorrylah Hasnin, kdg2 mama need a privacy..Mebe ada org kater mama a  bit anti-sosial..or perahsia..but that's me..but then..after thinking back..a 2nd thought of mine said! heyy come on @least there's somebody out there still want to share and know about u...ok? ^__^ so ok kot...hahaha...

I'm stress..

For these couple of months , I never had a good other word..restless..hahaha 24hours devoted either for projects or for my beloved little boy name Farhan. I never had a chance to have a nice chat with my hubby, my sons..i miss them. i saw them everyday, talk with them..but am i really concentrate and focusing to each and every words that they said? Honestly nope..

I forgot when was the last date (to be exact) I cook for my hubby.( ermm ada kot, tapi cam tak sepenuh hati..huhuhu).. Am i a good wife, I'd say no. A good mama..when i think back..nope.. So what am I?  Next chapter , I'll tell why i'm so depressed with myself..



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